19 Best Side Hustles For Lawyers To Make An Extra $5000

best side hustles for lawyers

There are a lot of different ways to make money as a lawyer.

You can work for a law firm, do contract work, or offer your services as a consultant.

But what if you want to make some extra money on the side?

Nowadays, there are plenty of opportunities for lawyers to make some extra cash through side hustles.

For example, you can start a blog or podcast about legal topics, offer your services as a virtual assistant, or even teach online courses about the law.

In this post, we’ll share some of the best side hustles for lawyers that you can start today in terms of initial investment, time commitment, and earning potential.

At least one of these side hustles is sure to fit your interests and skill set.

1. Create a podcast discussing various legal topics

  • Earning Potential: $0 – $$$
  • Difficulty: 7/10

Podcasting is a great way to connect with people who share your interests, and it can be a great source of supplemental income.

A podcast is simply an episodic series of digital audio files a user can download to listen to.

This side hustle would involve creating a podcast that discusses legal topics of interest.

This could include interviews with lawyers, discussions of recent court cases, or analyses of legal news stories.

The podcast could be targeted toward a general audience or a specific niche, such as business law or family law.

By providing listeners with informative and engaging content, this podcast could become a valuable resource for those seeking to learn more about the legal system.

The advantage of podcasts over other forms of content is that they can be consumed while commuting, working out, or doing any other activity.

What that means is that you have a captive audience, and if your podcast is interesting enough, people will subscribe to it and listen to every episode.

The key to making money with a podcast is to find sponsorships from companies that are willing to pay you to plug their products or services into your show.

You can also sell advertising directly to businesses, or accept donations from listeners.

If you build up a large enough following, you can even get paid to speak at events or sell merchandise connected to your show.

  • Earning Potential:

This is a difficult question to answer because there are many variables involved.

Podcasters can make anywhere from a few dollars to thousands of dollars per episode, depending on their audience size, the content of their show, and other factors.

There are also several ways that podcasters can make money, such as through advertising, sponsorships, donations, and merchandise sales.

Some of the most popular and successful podcasts generate a significant amount of revenue through advertising.

In addition to advertising, as I mentioned earlier, many podcasts also rely on sponsorships to generate revenue.

Sponsorships are usually in the form of ads read by the host during the show, but can also take other forms such as product placements or branded content.

  • How to get started?

There are many ways to start a podcast nowadays!

You can use a simple recorder and microphone, or you can use more sophisticated equipment.

On the other hand, you will also need to choose a topic for your podcast and decide on the format that you would like to have.

Once you have all of this figured out, you can start recording your episodes and sharing them with the world!

For that, you need a way to host your podcast, and for that we recommend Buzzsprout:

Buzzprout is a podcasting tool that lets you record, edit and publish your podcast episodes all in one place.

You can use it to easily add new episodes, show notes, and transcripts to your existing website or blog.

Plus, with its built-in player, you can listen to your episodes right from the app.

Also, if you want to publish your podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Pandora, Amazon Music, or any other podcasting platform,

Buzzprout can help you do that with just a few clicks so it’s very easy to get started.

In addition, make sure you have some artwork made for your show.

This will help people recognize your podcast and make it more likely that they will listen to it.

Finally, promote your podcast on social media and other platforms to get the word out there.

  • Pros:
    • Low initial investment.
    • You can talk about a topic that you are passionate about.
    • Unlike videos, podcasts completely grab the audience’s attention.
  • Cons:
    • Generating income can take time.
    • It takes effort and patience to create a loyal audience.

2. Provide legal services to small businesses

  • Earning Potential: $500-$2,000 per month
  • Difficulty: 6/10

You can also provide legal services to small businesses that might not have the budget to hire an entire legal team.

This can include anything from drafting contracts to providing advice on regulatory compliance.

If you have a background in law, this is a great way to use your skills to help out small businesses that may not be able to afford traditional legal services.

Plus, you can set your own hours and work as little or as much as you want.

  • Earning Potential:

The earning potential for this side hustle depends on the number of clients you take on and the type of services you provide.

If you take on a few clients and provide simple services, you could earn a few hundred dollars per month.

However, if you take on more clients and provide more complex services, you could earn a few thousand dollars per month.

To make more money from this side hustle, you can either take on more clients or provide more complex legal services.

You can also raise your rates to earn more money per hour of work. If you build up a good reputation, you may be able to get referrals from other lawyers or businesses.

  • How to get started?

If you want to get started with this side hustle, you will need to obviously have a law degree or some other type of legal training.

You can then start advertising your services online or through word-of-mouth.

best side hustles for lawyers

Once you have a few clients, you can start building up your business by taking on more work and expanding your services.

You can follow these tips to be more successful:

  1. Get a law degree or some other type of legal training.
  2. Start advertising your services online or through word-of-mouth.
  3. Once you have a few clients, start building up your business by taking on more work and expanding your services.
  4. Raise your rates to earn more money per hour of work.
  5. Get referrals from other lawyers or businesses to build up your clientele.
  6. Offer discounts or free services to first-time clients.
  7. Join an online community or networking group for small business lawyers.
  8. Stay up-to-date on the latest legal news and developments.
  9. Offer your services pro bono to help out businesses in need.

These tips will lead you in the right direction, but remember that everybody’s journey is different, so be open to explore new opportunities that might come your way.

  • Pros:
    • You can set your own hours.
    • You can work as little or as much as you want.
    • You have the potential to earn a steady income.
  • Cons:
    • You need to have a law degree or some other type of legal training.
    • It may be difficult to find clients at first.
    • You may need to put in long hours to earn a good income.

3. Start a blog about your experiences as a lawyer

  • Earning Potential: $100 – $10,000+ per month
  • Difficulty: 5/10

If you’re a lawyer with some extra time on your hands, why not start a blog about your experiences in the field?

Share insights and advice with other lawyers, or even those who are considering a career in law.

You can use your platform to discuss current legal cases, offer advice on how to handle certain situations, and generally help others navigate the complicated world of law.

Not only will you be helping others, but you can also use your blog as a way to build up your brand.

Who knows, you might even end up becoming a go-to source for legal information!

Starting a blog is one of the most popular ways to make money online and is a great way to share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world.

And it’s not surprising why – it’s also a great way to earn passive income, and you can do it from anywhere in the world.

All you need is a computer and a good internet connection.

creating a blog

It’s also a great way to make a lot of money!

The most common ways of making money from a blog include:

  • Affiliate marketing (where you recommend a product or service and receive a commission).
  • Sponsored posts (where a company will pay you to talk about them).
  • Products or services, e.g., budget binder, coaching.
  • Advertising

If you’ve ever been drawn to writing, telling stories, or helping other people answer their questions or fix their problems, then blogging is definitely for you.

Also, it does not require previous experience so you can learn as you go.

You must remember that you have the blog to generate money, so you should focus on selecting what will be the topic you want to talk about and develop a plan for it.

  • Earning Potential:

A lot of people are making over $10,000 per month from their blogs!

Of course, it takes time and hard work to get to that level.

But it is definitely possible, and there are many bloggers out there who are proof of that.

Now, not every blog is going to make that much money, though, some others aren’t making even a dollar from their blogs.

But if you’re dedicated and willing to put in the work, you can make a full-time income from blogging.

It really depends on your niche, how well you market your blog, and what type of content you produce.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to blogging, so choose a niche that you’re passionate about and start sharing your thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world!

Note that the old days of having a blog that’s about your daily life are gone.

You need to have a focus and share content that is helpful, interesting, or entertaining to your target audience.

  • How to get started?

The first thing to do is come up with a plan for your blog.

Then, you need to set up your blog by purchasing a domain name and hosting and installing WordPress.

We recommend Bluehost for this matter:

bluehost homepage screenshot

Once your blog is all set up, you need to do keyword research and start creating high-quality content that will help you rank in the search engines and attract readers.

And finally, you need to promote your blog and build an audience.

This can be done by guest posting on other blogs, and social media, and using SEO techniques.

Once you have a decent amount of traffic coming to your blog, you can start making money with affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, products, or services.

We’re definitely leaving a lot of details out because of the scope of this post, but those are the basics of starting.

  • Pros:
    • Getting started is relatively easy.
    • You create a community around the content you publish.
    • You manage your time and workspace according to your needs.
  • Cons:
    • To be a good blog requires periodic publications.
    • Internal errors can occur within the code and you need time to fix it.
    • It takes time to generate significant income.

4. Offer freelance services online

  • Earning Potential: $500-$5000 per month
  • Difficulty: 3/10

Being a freelancer is becoming one of the most chosen paths by different professionals to develop a professional career.

The different advantages make it so attractive.

Freelancing can include things like writing articles, designing websites, or working on social media campaigns.

There are a ton of different ways to make money through freelancing, so it’s a great option for people who want to earn some extra cash.

The best part about this side hustle is that you can do it from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection.

So if you’re looking for a way to make some extra money, consider freelancing!

  • Earning Potential:

The earning potential for freelancing can be great, depending on how much work you put in and the quality of your work.

If you can produce high-quality work, then you can charge more for your services.

There are several ways to find freelance work online, so if you’re interested in this side hustle, definitely do some research to find the best opportunity for you.

To make more money from freelancing, consider offering additional services or becoming a top-rated freelancer on a popular platform.

You can also join a freelancer network to get access to more clients and opportunities.

The main difficulty with freelancing is that it can be unpredictable.

You may have times when you have a lot of work and other times when you don’t have any work at all.

To overcome this, make sure you always have a few clients lined up so you’re not left without work.

  • How to get started?

To get started in freelancing, the best thing to do is to sign up for a freelancer platform like Upwork or Fiverr.

Create a profile and start applying for jobs that interest you. Once you land a few clients, deliver high-quality work so you can get good reviews and more work in the future.

upwork freelance work for lawyers

Always be on the lookout for new opportunities and ways to market your services.

Additionally, consider joining a freelancer network to get access to more resources and clients.

If you’re serious about making money through freelancing, then put in the effort and deliver quality work every time.

And lastly, don’t forget to invoice your clients promptly so you can get paid for your work!

  • Pros:
    • Can be done from anywhere in the world.
    • Flexible hours.
    • Great way to make extra money.
  • Cons:
    • Can be unpredictable.
    • Takes effort and time to build up a client base.
    • Can be challenging to stand out from the competition.

5. Teach a class in person or online about the law

  • Earning Potential: $200 – $2000 per month
  • Difficulty: 3/10

Teaching about the law in person or online to a group of students interested in the topic can be a fantastic way to make an extra buck.

This could be done as a one-time class, or as an ongoing course.

Topics could include constitutional law, criminal law, civil procedure, legal research and writing, and more.

As a lawyer, you would be able to provide real-world examples and insights into the law that others might not have.

This would be a great way to share your knowledge with others and make some extra money on the side using knowledge you already have.

  • Earning Potential:

You could earn $200 to $2000 per month by teaching a class on the law either in person or online.

Of course, it’s very easy to make more money from it by teaching more classes, or by charging more per class or session.

You could also offer private tutoring sessions for those who want more personalized attention or require a bit more help.

If you have a specialty in a particular area of the law, you could also charge a premium for your services.

Other additional ways to increase your income or supplement your work is by writing a book on the law.

Although it won’t be an evergreen product that you finish today and never have to update, these products can be sold to generate additional revenue.

This would help you to reach a wider audience and increase your earnings potential since it could be sacaled more easily.

  • How to get started?

To get started, you could reach out to local colleges or universities to see if they would be interested in having you teach a class.

On the other hand, you could also just create an online course on a platform like Udemy or Teachable.

You would need to create video lessons and other materials for the course, but even if it takes a lot of work, it’s definitely worth it.

Teach a class in person or online about the law

If you want to offer private tutoring, you could reach out to students or parents directly, or advertise your services online.

This would help you to reach a wider audience and increase your earnings potential.

We suggest you start by creating a plan and setting some goals.

Once you have an idea of what you want to do, you can start reaching out to potential students.

  • Pros:
    • Can be done online or in person.
    • Share your knowledge and help others.
    • Flexible hours.
  • Cons:
    • Could be difficult to find students/clients.
    • Can be time-consuming to prepare materials.
    • May require some marketing to get started.

6. Become a mobile public notary

  • Earning Potential: $100 per signing
  • Difficulty: 6/10

A mobile public notary is a notary who can travel to their clients to provide them with notary services.

This can be a great option for those who are unable to leave their home or office to visit a traditional notary.

Mobile public notaries can often be found working at events or in other public places in order to make their services more accessible to those who need them.

If you are interested in becoming a mobile public notary, you will need to be licensed as a notary in your state.

You will also need to have a reliable form of transportation and be able to travel to meet your clients.

  • Earning Potential:

It is safe to say that there is potential to earn a decent income from providing mobile notary services.

On average, a mobile notary can expect to earn $50-$100 per notarization.

The national average fee for a standard notarization is $6, with rates typically ranging from $2-$25.

However, fees will vary depending on the type of document being notarized, the number of pages, and the complexity of the notarization.

For example, a simple document such as a birth certificate may only cost a few dollars to notarize.

A more complex document such as a mortgage loan may cost several hundred dollars.

There are also other potential sources of income for mobile notaries, such as offering mobile notary services at weddings or funerals.

  • How to get started?

To become a mobile public notary, you must be at least 18 years old and have a clean criminal record.

You will also need to complete a training course and pass an exam.

Once you are certified, you can begin working as a mobile notary.

There are a few different ways to find work as a notary.

public notary jobs

You can search for open positions online, or you can contact a mobile notary service to inquire about opportunities.

You can also network with other notaries in your area to find work.

When working as a mobile notary, you will be responsible for traveling to different locations to notarize documents.

This may include going to people’s homes, businesses, or other locations.

You will need to be able to keep track of your appointments and notarize documents on time.

  • Pros:
    • You can be your own boss and set your own hours.
    • Help people in need.
  • Cons:
    • You may have to work odd hours.
    • Lots of paperwork.

7. Work as a paralegal for another law firm

  • Earning Potential: $2000 per month
  • Difficulty: 4/10

A paralegal is a professionally trained legal assistant who works under the supervision of an attorney.

Paralegals are not licensed to practice law, but they can perform many legal tasks, such as conducting research, drafting documents, and assisting with trial preparation.

Working as a paralegal for another law firm is a great way to earn some extra income while still being involved in the legal field.

This side hustle will allow you to use your skills and knowledge to assist attorneys with their work, and you will be able to learn more about the inner workings of a law firm.

  • Earning Potential:

As a paralegal, you can make potentially $2000 per month once you get started.

To make more money from this side hustle, you could try working for multiple law firms or taking on more complex tasks.

Furthermore, you could also offer your services to individuals who need legal assistance but cannot afford to hire an attorney.

By doing this, you would be able to help those in need while also earning a higher income for it.

Another way to earn even more money is to start your own paralegal business, which could also potentially be taken online after you get started.

This would allow you to set your own rates and have full control over your work schedule, and on top of that, be able to work with people all over the world.

  • How to get started?

For working as a paralegal for another law firm, the best way to get started is by reaching out to local firms and asking if they need any part-time or full-time help.

You could also look online for job postings or contact a professional placement agency that specializes in finding legal positions.

If you are interested in starting your own paralegal business, there are a few things you need to do to get started.

Work as a paralegal for another law firm

First, you will need to obtain a business license from your local government if your state requires one to begin with.

You will also need to create a business plan and marketing strategy so that you have a clear goal.

This doesn’t mean take a couple of week thinking about it, it’s just for you to make sure you’re taking the right steps.

Once you have all of the necessary paperwork in order, you can start promoting your business and finding clients.

  • Pros:
    • Use your legal skills and knowledge to assist attorneys with their work.
    • Opportunity to learn more about the inner workings of a law firm.
    • You can make a decent income from this side hustle.
  • Cons:
    • May not have a lot of freedom when it comes to setting your own schedule.
    • Can’t take on as many cases as you would like.

8. Participate in mock trials or moot court competitions

  • Earning Potential: $200-$2000 per month
  • Difficulty: 3/10

Mock trials and moot court competitions provide a great opportunity for law students and practicing lawyers to hone their skills in a courtroom setting.

These competitions simulate real court proceedings, giving participants the chance to learn and practice legal argumentation, procedure, and tactics.

Many law schools offer mock trials or moot court competitions as extracurricular activities, and there are also many local and regional competitions in which anyone can participate.

If you’re interested in getting some courtroom experience, or just want to test your legal skills against others, participating in a mock trial or moot court competition is a great way to do it.

You can also earn money by becoming a judge or referee for these competitions.

So if you’re looking for a way to make some extra money and learn more about the legal system, this is a great option.

  • Earning Potential:

The earning potential for mock trial and moot court competitions varies depending on the level of competition and the prize money at stake.

Local competitions may only offer a few hundred dollars in prize money, while national competitions can offer tens of thousands of dollars in prizes.

The more prestigious the competition, the higher the earnings potential will be.

If you’re looking to make the most money possible from this side hustle, you’ll need to compete at the highest levels.

However, even local competing events can provide a good source of extra income.

If you’re interested in becoming a judge or referee for these competitions, you can also earn money by providing your services to the organizers.

  • How to get started?

If you’re interested in getting started in mock trials or moot court competitions, the first step is to find a competition in which you’re eligible to participate.

Many law schools offer these competitions as extracurricular activities, and there are also many local and regional competitions in which anyone can participate.

Once you’ve found a competition that you’re eligible for, the next step is to sign up and start preparing.

If you’re competing in a mock trial, you’ll need to learn about the legal argumentation, procedure, and tactics involved in court proceedings.

You can do this by reading books or articles on the subject, attending workshops or seminars, or working with a mentor who is experienced in mock trials.

mock trials or moot court competitions

If you’re competing in a moot court competition, you’ll need to research the legal issue that will be debated at the competition.

This involves reading cases and other legal materials on the topic and developing arguments for both sides of the issue.

Once you’ve done your research, you need to start practicing your arguments.

This can be done by participating in practice debates with friends or colleagues, or by giving practice speeches to yourself in front of a mirror.

When you’re ready to compete, remember that the key to success is preparation.

The more prepared you are, the better your chances will be of winning.

If you’re interested in becoming a judge or referee, you can contact the organizers of the competition you’re interested in and inquire about opportunities.

  • Pros:
    • Can make a good amount of money.
    • Can learn more about the legal system.
  • Cons:
    • Can be time-consuming to prepare for competitions.
    • May be difficult to win at the highest levels.

9. Help people form LLCs or corporations

  • Earning Potential: $2000-$5000 per month
  • Difficulty: 3/10

Starting and maintaining a business is a lot of work, and sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.

That’s where you could come in and take advantage of the opportunity!

You can help people form LLCs or corporations, and make sure that everything is in order so that their businesses can run smoothly.

Things like filling out forms for them and requesting the necessary information to preceded correctly are what you would be doing.

On top of that, while doing this, you will also ensure that everything is filed correctly, and provide support and advice as needed.

  • Earning Potential:

The earning potential for this side hustle is $2000-$5000 per month if you do it locally, but it could be even more if you add an online portal to the business.

To make more money from this side hustle, you can offer additional services such as business coaching or consulting.

Additionally, you can start a blog or YouTube channel to share your knowledge and help people form their businesses.

This will attract more clients to you, and you can charge a higher rate for your services.

  • How to get started?

To get started, you will need to learn about the legalities involved in forming a business.

You can do this by reading books or taking courses on the subject; make sure that you comply with any state requirements that there might be for this type of thing.

Now, for the marketing, you’ll need to get a bit creative.

This is because it’s hard to get clients by simply reaching out to businesses, since most of them will have the legal paperwork already done.

But, if you find smaller companies that have just started, you can contact them and see if they need assistant,

Once you have built up a clientele, you can start charging higher for your services or just any number that’s competitive to others.

The real money, in my opinion, it’s online, as seen with examples such as LegalZoom.com:

legalzoom start your LLC

These websites simply ask for the needed information in your state, and then they go and do the work for you.

Now, take into count that LLCs and corporations are two different types of businesses, so you will need to learn about both to be able to help your clients.

Additionally, make sure that you keep up with the latest changes in business law so that you can always offer your clients the best possible service

  • Pros:
    • High earning potential.
    • Can be done from anywhere.
    • Satisfying work/helping people.
  • Cons:
    • Requires knowledge of business law.
    • Can be challenging to attract clients.
    • May require some start-up costs.

10. Work as a mediator or arbitrator to settle disputes between parties

  • Earning Potential: $600 per month
  • Difficulty: 6/10

Working as a mediator or arbitrator can be a great way to earn some extra money while helping people resolve their differences.

As a mediator, you would act as a neutral third party who listens to both sides of the dispute and helps them agree.

This can be a very rewarding job, as you would be helping people to reach an understanding and resolution.

However, it is important to be impartial and objective in your role as a mediator and to have the ability to see both sides of the issue.

If you think you would be suited to this type of work, then why not give it a try?

  • Earning Potential:

The earning potential for mediators and arbitrators can vary depending on the number of cases they take on and the fee structure agreed upon.

However, mediators can typically earn around $600 per month depending on how much time they put into it.

This can be a great way to earn some extra money, while also helping people to resolve their differences.

Although, if you’re a successful lawyer, chances are these numbers seem very low compared to other things you can do, and it’s true.

Either way, it’s still an option that you can consider anytime!

You could also offer other services, such as mediation training or conflict resolution coaching.

  • How to get started?

If you want to start working as a mediator or arbitrator, there are a few things you need to do.

First, you need to find cases to work on, this can be done by contacting local businesses, organizations, or individuals who may be in dispute.

Maybe even doing some online research can point you in the right direction.

You could also advertise your services online or in local newspapers.

Once you have found a case to work on, you will need to meet with both parties involved and try to reach a resolution that is acceptable to both sides.

mediator or arbitrator to settle disputes between parties

This can be a challenging task, but it can be very rewarding if you are successful in what you do.

If you are not sure where to start, there are many mediation training programs available that can help you learn the skills you need to be successful.

The more cases you take on, the more experience you will have, and the more money you can earn.

  • Pros:
    • Help people resolve their differences.
    • Can be flexible.
  • Cons:
    • May need training.
    • Need to be impartial and objective.

11. Be a consultant for people looking to enter your field

  • Earning Potential: $60,000 per year
  • Difficulty: 6/10

Just like when you got started, there’s many people trying to enter the law field, and they’re asking themselves a lot of questions.

The opportunity here is to become a consultant and start giving your advice to those who need it.

It’s a great way to make some extra income on the side, and you can set your hours, since pretty much, this can be done 100% online.

Plus, you get to help others achieve their goals!

As a consultant, you can help them figure out what they need to do to get started and achieve success.

This can involve providing advice, mentorship, and resources.

You can also offer your services on a freelance basis, which can be a great way to get started in your field without making a long-term commitment.

  • Earning Potential:

The amount of money that an online consultant can earn depends on a variety of factors.

Among many others, some include your experience, the services you offer, and the number of clients you have.

With that being said, an online consultant can earn a substantial income,

The average income for a consultant in the United States is $60,000 per year, however, those with more experience or who offer additional services can easily earn double or triple that amount.

In fact, some consultants make over $1 million per year!

  • How to get started?

To start providing your services as a consultant, you’ll first need to identify your area of expertise.

Once you have a strong understanding of your particular skill set, you can begin marketing your services to potential clients.

To attract the attention of potential customers, you’ll need to create a strong online presence.

This can be accomplished by creating a website and/or blog that showcases your skills as a consultant.

[Beginners] How to Get into Consulting Without Experience

You should also consider creating social media accounts on popular platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn.

By establishing yourself as an expert in your field, you’ll be more likely to attract the attention of potential clients.

Once you’ve established an online presence, you can start reaching out to potential clients.

A great way to find potential customers is to search for job postings that relate to your area of expertise.

You can also network with other professionals in your field to find potential customers.

  • Pros:
    • You gain even more experience in your area of expertise.
    • Schedule flexibility.
  • Cons:
    • The stress of managing it can be constant.
    • It involves hours of contact and discussion with clients.

12. Create a course on passing the bar exam

  • Earning Potential: $ – $$$ per month
  • Difficulty: 4/10

Creating a course on passing the bar exam could be a lucrative way to make some money.

It’s all about helping aspiring lawyers pass the grueling exam and achieve their dreams of becoming a lawyer.

The objective is that the course covers everything from studying tips and tricks, to how to approach the exam itself.

It will be an invaluable resource for anyone looking to become a lawyer.

Plus, you can base your classes on things that you went through at some point, of course, making sure that it’s updated with the current standards.

  • Earning Potential:

The potential earnings for this side hustle really depend on how you approach this, and what level of commitment you put.

This is because the demand for such a course is high and many people are willing to pay for it.

But with that being said, there’s already so many good resources available for free, so why should someone pay for you to give them advise?

That’s when having good marketing strategy helps!

A good title, hook, helpful content, and a visual way for your students to learn are some of the things to look out for.

To make more money from this side hustle, you can charge a higher price or offer more value in the form of bonuses and extras.

  • How to get started?

To get started, simply create your course and list it on a platform like Udemy or Teachable.

Alternatively, you can also create your own website for it and market it through social media or other channels.

mediator or arbitrator to settle disputes between parties

Before doing so, I’d take a look at what’s out there, and see if you can do something better.

Once you have created the course, promote it so that people are aware of it and can take advantage of it.

udemy bar exam courses

To create a high-end course, you can consider partnering with a law school or another institution.

This will help to add more credibility to your course and make it more attractive to potential students.

  • Pros:
    • Can be done from anywhere.
    • Flexible hours.
  • Cons:
    • Takes time to create the course.
    • Requires marketing to be successful.

13. Do legal research for other lawyers

  • Earning Potential: $500 – $2000 per month
  • Difficulty: 6/10

While years of legal experience are important, they don’t compare to solid legal research.

Legal research, which includes finding and citing information and laws that support your decision-making, gives validity to your work as an attorney and results in a better outcome for clients.

If you’re a lawyer with some extra time on your hands, you can make some extra money by doing legal research for other lawyers.

Things like finding the right information to help them win their cases in any way possible, researching other cases, looking up laws, and writing reports or memos will be very commong.

You will need to be very detail-oriented and have excellent writing skills to be successful at it.

It’s a great way to use your skills to help out other lawyers, and you can set your rates.

  • Earning Potential:

This side hustle has the earning potential of $500 to $2,000 per month.

This is because legal research can be very time-consuming and requires a lot of attention to detail.

If you can produce high-quality work quickly, you will be in demand and can command a higher price.

To make more money from this side hustle, focus on quality over quantity.

In other words, start small, and once you’ve gotten more used to it, start working with more and more people.

  • How to get started?

To get started, reach out to local law firms and let them know you offer legal research services.

You can also search for online job postings or create a profile on a freelancing platform like Upwork.

Be sure to list your qualifications and experience so that potential clients can see why you’re the best person for the job.

To be successful in this side hustle, you’ll need to have strong research skills and be able to work quickly and accurately.

I encourage you to watch this YouTube video by Lynnea in which she goes over how to do legal research:

LAW SCHOOL | How to do Legal Research

Aside from sharing her experience with legal research, she also mentions some tips that you can use to get started and be efficient.

Even better than that, she does a live example of how it would be doing legal research using online resources.

  • Pros:
    • Can be done on a freelance basis.
    • Flexible hours for the most part.
    • Can be done from home.
  • Cons:
    • High level of competition.
    • Can be time-consuming.
    • Requires strong research skills.

14. Become an expert witness for cases in your area of expertise

  • Earning Potential: $500 – $5000 per month
  • Difficulty: 5/10

If you have expertise in a particular area, you can become an expert witness for cases in that area.

As an expert witness, you will provide testimony and evidence to help the court determine the outcome of a case.

You’ll be the person in charge of providing professional testimony during a legal battle that can help provide crucial information to the presiding judge or jury.

Also, it’s important to be able to present your evidence clearly and concisely since your expert opinion could be the deciding factor in a court case.

  • Earning Potential:

Expert witnesses typically charge an hourly rate for their services, so the amount you can earn per month will depend on the number of hours you can work.

In general, expert witnesses can earn anywhere from $500 to $5,000 per month, though some may earn more depending on their area of expertise and the demand for their services.

To make more money from this hustle, try to find cases that are in high demand and offer your services at a competitive rate.

You can also offer additional services, such as consulting or testifying in more than one case per month.

  • How to get started?

If you’re interested in becoming an expert witness, you should start by contacting your local courthouse or law firm to find out more about upcoming cases in which you may be able to testify.

You can also look online for resources or attend seminars on how to become an expert witness.

There is usually a fee associated with becoming an expert witness, so be sure to factor that into your decision-making process.

How to Become an Expert Witness

Remember that you need to have expertise in a particular area to be an expert witness, so make sure you are knowledgeable about the topic before you get started.

You should also be able to think on your feet and answer questions quickly.

This side hustle requires good communication skills and the ability to stay calm under pressure.

If you don’t have these skills try to improve through daily practice and before you attempt to try it out.

  • Pros:
    • Can be a high-paying gig.
    • Can be interesting and exciting.
  • Cons:
    • May require testifying in court.
    • Can be stressful sometimes.
    • Needs to have expertise in a particular area.

15. Give talks or speeches about your area of expertise

  • Earning Potential: $300-$2000 per month
  • Difficulty: 6/10

If you’re an expert in a particular field, why not share your knowledge with others by giving talks or speeches?

You can do this at local events or even online, and it’s a great way to earn some extra money and help others learn more about what you do.

Giving speeches and talks require excellent communication skills to deliver the material interestingly and engagingly.

If you have these skills, then this side hustle is definitely for you.

You can start by finding local events where you can give a talk.

Or, if you’re more comfortable speaking online, there are many platforms where you can give talks or speeches virtually.

  • Earning Potential:

You could make an extra $300-$2000 per month with this side hustle, but the problem is that it won’t be very consistent.

This is because you can charge for your talks or speeches depending on your popularity and reputation.

If you’re able to give talks or speeches that are interesting and engaging, you can even make more.

Of course, the more popular you become, the more you can charge for your talks or speeches.

So if you’re looking to make a lot of money from this side hustle, then you’ll need to build up a strong reputation in your field.

This side hustle isn’t too difficult, but it does require some planning and preparation on your end.

You’ll need to make sure you have a solid understanding of your topic, and you’ll need to be able to communicate it well to your audience.

  • How to get started?

If you’re interested in giving talks or speeches, the best way to get started is by finding local events.

You can start by searching online or asking around to the people that usually plan similar events.

Once you find an event that you’re interested in, make sure to contact the organizers and let them know that you’re interested in speaking.


You can also give talks or speeches virtually on many different platforms.

This can be a great option if you’re not comfortable speaking in front of a large group of people.

If you want to make sure your speeches and talks are interesting and engaging, there are a few things you can do.

First, make sure you have a solid understanding of your topic, second, practice your communication skills as much as possible.

You can do this by taking classes, reading books, or attending workshops that specifically teach you how to talk more efficiently.

The more you practice, the better you’ll become at communicating with your audience.

  • Pros:
    • Can make a decent amount of money per month.
    • Can be done locally or online.
    • Doesn’t require a lot of start-up costs.
  • Cons:
    • May need to build up a reputation in your field.
    • Requires some planning and preparation.
    • May not be suitable for everyone.

16. Become a lobbyist for causes you believe in

  • Earning Potential: $3,000-$10,000 per month
  • Difficulty: 6/10

Lobbying is the act of legally pleading or attempting to influence the decisions of officials in government, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies.

Lobbiers attempt to persuade lawmakers to vote in a certain way, support or oppose the legislation, or take action on behalf of their clients or causes.

They can work in a variety of industries, representing businesses, nonprofits, or even individual citizens.

Many lobbyists are former government officials or have experience working in the industry they represent.

Some lobbyists work as consultants, while others are employed directly by the organizations they represent.

How Lobbying Became A $3.5 Billion Industry

Lobbying is a controversial activity, and many people believe that lobbyists unduly influence lawmakers and distort the democratic process.

Others argue that lobbying is a necessary part of the political process and that it allows businesses and citizens to have their voices heard by decision-makers.

Regardless of your opinion on lobbying, if you are passionate about a cause or an industry, becoming a lobbyist can be a rewarding way to make a difference.

You can make money from lobbying in many ways, but most people in this career are paid by the hour, or they may receive a salary from their employer.

  • Earning Potential:

Lobbyists can earn a pretty penny by working long hours and meeting with a lot of people.

Some lobbyists also earn commissions based on the business they bring in or the legislation they help to pass.

If you’re thinking of becoming a lobbyist, you’ll need to be well-connected, persuasive, and knowledgeable about the issues you care about.

You’ll also need to be prepared to work long hours and meet with a lot of people.

But if you’re up for the challenge, lobbying can be a satisfying and lucrative career.

  • How to get started?

If you possess the ability to persuade and be persistent with people, as well as have a strong interest or knowledge in politics, then lobbying may be the right career for you.

Do some research, get involved with your community, and consider working for a lobbying firm or organization to get started.

Keep in mind that lobbying takes time and persistence, but it can be a rewarding career.

There are a few things you can do to get started!

Firstly, do some research on the lobbying process and the issues you care about.

This will help you be more knowledgeable and persuasive when talking to lawmakers.

Get involved with your local community and political campaigns as this will help you build connections and learn more about the political process.

On top of that, maybe even consider working for a lobbying firm or an organization that represents the causes you care about.

You can even go freelance, and start by reaching out to businesses or organizations that you think could benefit from your lobbying services.

Keep in mind that lobbying is a long-term process, so you’ll need to be patient and persistent if you want to be successful.

  • Pros:
    • Can be a very satisfying and lucrative career.
    • Allows you to make a difference on the issues you care about.
    • Can be a great way to network and build connections.
  • Cons:
    • Can be time-consuming and require long hours.
    • Can be challenging to break into the industry.
    • Requires long hours and meeting with lots of people.

17. Start a legal document preparation service

  • Earning Potential: $500 – $5,000 per month
  • Difficulty: 3/10

If you’re interested in starting your own business but don’t want to deal with the hassle of physical products or customers, a legal document preparation service could be a great option for you.

This type of business would involve creating and selling legal documents like contracts, leases, and other agreements online.

You could either create the documents yourself or work with a lawyer to get the templates that you need.

  • Earning Potential:

The earning potential for a website legal document preparation service can vary depending on the type of documents you offer and how many customers you have.

If you’re just starting out, you could potentially earn $500-$1,000 per month.

However, if you build up a large client base and offer a variety of documents, you could earn closer to $5,000 per month.

To make more money from this side hustle, you could raise your prices or offer more premium services like document customization or rush delivery.

You could also create a membership site where customers can access all of your documents for a monthly fee.

  • How to get started?

If you’re interested in starting a legal document preparation service, there are a few things you need to do.

First, you’ll need to create or obtain the legal documents that you want to sell.

You can either create the documents yourself or work with a lawyer to get the templates that you need.

Once you have your documents, you’ll need to set up a website and start marketing your business.

You can use social media, online directories, or paid advertising to reach potential customers.

The perfect example of a hugely successful website that provides this type of service is Termly.io:

termly privacy policy generator

They do things like privacy policies and terms and conditions for websites.

Something cool about it is that they automated most if not all of this process by creating templates that users can add information to.

Once you fill in and put your data, they’ll have add-ons that you can purchase to make the documents more complete.

  • Pros:
    • Can be done entirely online.
    • No need to deal with physical products or customers.
    • Can be a great way to earn extra income.
  • Cons:
    • Can be time-consuming to create documents.
    • May require some marketing effort to attract customers.

18. Serve on a local board or commission that deals with legal issues

  • Earning Potential: $3000 per month
  • Difficulty: 3/10

Serving on a local board or commission that deals with legal issues can also be lucrative if done correctly.

This is an opportunity to serve on a board or commission that deals with things you’re passionate about in your local community and a great way to get involved and make a difference.

You will be able to help shape policy and make decisions that will impact your community for years to come.

For the most part, it’ll involve attending meetings and participating in discussions about various legal issues.

You may also be asked to do research on specific topics, or write reports.

  • Earning Potential:

The earning potential for this side hustle is $3000 per month.

Usually, the way it works is that you’ll be paid a small stipend for your service. 

While the pay isn’t huge compared to what you’d usually make as a lawyer, it can be a great way to gain experience and diversify your income.

The downside is, that it’s very hard to make more money from this side hustle. 

Because the salary is a flat rate, and not commission-based, there is only so much money that can be made.

  • How to get started?

To get started, you will need to find a board or commission that you are interested in serving on.

You can do this by contacting your local government or searching online for what’s currently out there.

legal issues local board or commission

Once you have found a board or commission, you will need to fill out an application and submit it for review.

When you have been accepted, you will be able to start serving on the board or commission.

Of course, I’m jumping a few steps here with this explanation and is not as easy to get in, but generally, it’s very straightforward.

  • Pros:
    • Make a difference in your community.
    • Shape policy and make a difference.
  • Cons:
    • Deal with difficult issues.
    • May not agree with all the decisions made by the board.

19. Write a book about your field of law

  • Earning Potential: $5000 per month
  • Difficulty: 7/10

Writing a book is always an enriching experience.

In addition, if you do it on a topic that you love and that you enjoy talking about, its advantages are multiplied.

This side hustle is about writing a book that covers the different aspects of the law.

The book will provide readers with an overview of the different legal topics and help them understand the complexities of the law.

Additionally, it will serve as a guide for those who are interested in pursuing a career in law.

It’s a great way to connect with people, inspire them, and provide them with valuable advice and insights.

Not only will you be able to help others, but you’ll also gain some valuable experience and knowledge in the process.

Plus, it’s a great way to build your portfolio and showcase your writing skills for future projects.

  • Earning Potential:

The earning potential for writing a book about your field of law is roughly $5000 per month.

Now, this can be increased by finding more ways to market and sell your books, such as through social media or online bookstores.

Also publishing an e-book version is also great since they’re cheaper and faster to scale.

If you want to make more money from this side hustle, then I suggest that you focus on a specific niche, and find ways to market and sell your books more effectively.

By doing this, you’ll be able to reach more people, in fact, the right people, who will be more likely to enjoy the book.

  • How to get started?

To get started, you will need to research the different aspects of the law that you want to cover in your book.

You can do this by researching online or by talking to lawyers and legal experts.

Once you have gathered enough information, you can start writing your book.

Remember to structure your book in a way that is easy to understand and follow.

Once you have a rough draft of your book, then you can start editing and revising it.

I encourage you to check out publishing platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing:


After your manuscript is complete, then you can start marketing and selling it to your audience.

Again, the best way to market your book is through social media, online bookstores, and by offering consulting services.

On the other hand, it also helps if you already have an audience in your niche, so if you don’t, then concurrently with your writing, you can do so as well.

  • Pros:
    • You gain valuable experience and knowledge.
    • Can be a fun and challenging project.
    • You can make decent money.
  • Cons:
    • It takes time and effort to write a book.
    • You need to market and sell your book effectively.